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Mastering Abandonment Emails

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, cart abandonment is a significant challenge. It’s a moment every online retailer dreads: a customer fills their shopping cart and then, for various reasons, leaves without completing the purchase. However, this isnt the end of the road. With an effective abandonment email strategy, you can recover these lost sales []</p>

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Five Ways Companies can Increase Conversion

In today’s digital landscape, simply attracting visitors to your website isn’t enough. The real challenge lies in turning these visitors into customers or leads. This is where Conversion Rate Optimisation, or CRO, comes into play. What is conversion rate optimisation? Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is the process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who []</p>

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Personalisation Matters

The e-commerce industry is a competitive landscape, and standing out from the crowd is crucial. One of the most effective ways to achieve this? Personalisation. Customers want to feel valued. Tailoring the shopping experience to individual preferences and behaviours online is much harder to do and take action on. Craig Savage, the founder of FERO, []</p>

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Why You Should Care About Checkout Abandonment Personalisation

The Checkout Chasm Customers have seen significant innovation and improvement in their experience to add items to a shopping cart and completing purchases. However, theres a glaring oversight at the crucial juncture where these two experiences intersect the checkout screen. The retail industry persists in embracing a one-size-fits-all approach, neglecting the customers needs at []</p>

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Overcoming Checkout Abandonment During Black Friday & Cyber Monday

As online retailers brace for the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales peak, addressing checkout abandonment becomes paramount. High cart abandonment rates can overshadow the potential surge in holiday sales, with Baymard Institute highlighting a staggering 70% average abandonment. Often, this is due to the absence of preferred payment methods, causing significant revenue loss.This phenomenon, []</p>

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FERO raises $3M Seed Round to Pioneer Online Payment Solutions 

Amsterdam 2 November 2023 FERO is delighted to announce the successful closure of a $3 million seed round from Coatue, Volta Ventures, and Antler. This capital will enable FERO to expand and enhance its unique online payment solution to tackle the $5T of annual revenue merchants lose at the point of checkout. After []</p>

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Discovering FedNow Real-Time Payment Service Impact

As of July 20th, 2023, the Federal Reserve proudly launched FedNow, a real-time payment service that promises to revolutionise the financial landscape for banks, credit unions, online merchants, and other financial entities seeking instant, 24/7/365 payment accessibility. Now that FedNow is live, were eager to examine its reception and early impact by addressing some critical []</p>

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100+ E-Commerce Merchants Reveal the Key Strategy for Improving Conversion Rates

Over the past 6 months I have spoken to over 100 e-commerce merchants specifically around conversion rates and the steps they take to improve them post covid. What I have learnt is that when it comes to separating those that have seen success from their efforts and those that havent, the key reason comes down []</p>

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Digital Payments What can the US learn from India

The Rise of Digital Payments in India India is making waves in the world of digital payments! With annual growth rates of 50% over the past five years, the country has established itself as a leader in digital payment adoption. This is all thanks to the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) system, a unique real-time system []</p>

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Customer Acquisition vs. Customer Retention

The battle between customer acquisition and customer retention is a common conundrum for many growing companies. While its important to attract new customers, retaining existing ones is equally crucial for sustainable growth. In fact, studies have shown that it can cost four to five times more to acquire new customers than to retain current ones. []</p>

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